Project Film 365

There are two people to blame for this stupid idea.

The first is Andy, who has been taking a photo a day now as part of his Project 365 (go ahead and take a look at his website, some of the photos are very good).

The second is Dan, who foolishly mentioned a couple of days ago that I could do a similar year-long project; but instead of taking photos I could watch films. Part of the reasoning behind this was that we've recorded a lot of films over the past year or two that we never seem to find time to watch - and this would get us up-to-date. Now, I'm not entirely sure how serious he was (and he may well regret ever mentioning the idea in the near future), but being as he's not around for the next few days I figured it was a good opportunity to make a start on a stupid idea!

I can see two problems with this plan...

1. There's no way I will have enough time every day to watch a movie. What about when we are on holiday, when we are away visiting friends, when we are just out for the evening on a weekday? I've decided that I'm going to take this into account by figuring out which days I miss and either watching more than one film on another day, or simply adding that day to the end of the 365 days. Hence, the project may take more than a year. We'll see.

2. I run out of films to watch. This seems far less likely (considering we have 65 films currently recorded, and the amount increases most weeks). However, I have plenty of movies lying around that I love and haven't watched for some time, so there's no reason I can't re-watch some of these. Or, even, shock! - hire something to watch.

I'm not sure if this is actually going to work or not, and if so, for how long, but I thought I'd at least give it a try. If I've given up by this time next week I'll have to acknowledge that it was a really bad idea... but for now, I've at least managed to watch Film #1 of 365 - Pieces of April.

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About Me

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I live in Bristol with my husband Dan (who I married in July 2007), my son Joe (born 2012) and daughter Jess (born 2015). I work at UWE (the University of the West of England) in Bristol as a Research and Open Access Librarian. I'm orginally from Exeter, so moving back to Bristol is a bit like coming home - especially as I studied for my undergraduate degree here (also at UWE). I love travelling and movies, although I get to do a lot less of both since the birth of our children. Although we have still managed to fit in holidays to the Isles of Scilly, Chamonix and a summer in California since Joe was born.