Top 500 films

Not a review this time around, but just a comment on a "top 500 films" list that appeared in the November 2008 issue of Empire. I know, it's taken me a few months to post about it - but then it took me a few months to read the magazine! I had a back log...

Anyways, in case you want to know, I'd seen 236 of the 500 listed, which I don't think is bad going. Now to get out there and find the other 264 so I can watch them as well! Mostly I agreed with roughly where in the list things appeared, although of course there are always going to be those films that you particularly love or loath that you feel don't deserve the spot they've been given. One note on the choices: they were made by readers of the magazines, directors and actors etc. etc., not the writers of the magazine. So from that perspective it's probably a truer reflection of what people like.

Anyway, commenting on all 500 films would be crazy (not to mention take a very long time), so I'm just going to focus on the top ten - and make a couple of other points whilst I'm at it.

No. 10 was Fight Club - a very good film indeed, and probably deserves its place here.

No 9: Pulp Fiction. Again, a good film - and in many ways genre defining. Can't argue with its place at no.9.

No 8: Singin' in the Rain. In my opinion, one of the best old films around. I love it and it would probably make my personal top 10, were I to create one. In fact, might have to add it to my "Favourite Films" list.

No 7. Apocalypse Now. One of the only 2 in the top 10 I haven't seen. I know, shame on me. One to aim for...

No 6. GoodFellas. This probably wouldn't make my list, but it is a great movie. One of my favourite Scorsese films - just keeps you watching.

No 5. Jaws. I can see why it's here, and I didn't NOT enjoy it, but it's pretty average in my mind.

No 4. The Shawshank Redemption. Has anybody who has seen this not loved it? Would more than likely make my top 5 too. Just gets better with repeated viewings.

No 3. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. The other one I haven't seen. Although, this time around, not for lack of trying. I just can't sit through a Star Wars film when I don't have to. I just don't like Star Wars. Or George Lucas much, come to that.

No 2. Raiders of the Lost Ark. Indie films will always be enjoyable, but they are not this good. And the memories of the recent Kingdom of the Crystal Skull kind of ruin the first 3 for me too. Bloody George Lucas again.

No 1. The Godfather. Not my favourite film of all time, but it fully deserves its place at no.1 on this list, having influenced everything from Futurama to Shaun of the Dead to The Sopranos. And it's still a bloody good film.

One additional point - Psycho was nowhere to be seen on the list. I know it's not cool to like it any more, but it's still brilliant! And is another one for me to add to my favourite films.

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I live in Bristol with my husband Dan (who I married in July 2007), my son Joe (born 2012) and daughter Jess (born 2015). I work at UWE (the University of the West of England) in Bristol as a Research and Open Access Librarian. I'm orginally from Exeter, so moving back to Bristol is a bit like coming home - especially as I studied for my undergraduate degree here (also at UWE). I love travelling and movies, although I get to do a lot less of both since the birth of our children. Although we have still managed to fit in holidays to the Isles of Scilly, Chamonix and a summer in California since Joe was born.